Dajana's fairy tale about tidying up ... once upon a time...

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Dajana's Märchen vom Aufräumen ... es war einmal...

Strangely enough, you forget the time completely when doing handicrafts, plotting, making cards, painting, drawing, writing, sewing or scrapbooking and you are always surprised that the time for dinner has long since come. Well, it's not really funny, because for me and certainly for many of you, the creative time out from everyday life is part of a relaxed balance. According to the motto "Sewing is my yoga".

But when I look at the clock and warn me that a horde of hungry people will soon invade the kitchen again, I postpone my plan from cooking to pizza from the oven so that there is still enough time to clear the table.

How can you clean everything up again within 2 minutes and above all where to put it now? I do a lot of processing and handicrafts, sewing or knitting, but somehow the amount of tools or materials doesn't decrease.

The "buy 3 pay 2 trap" snaps with me regularly and so I have to admit that I hide my loot in every room and every free drawer. If I'm then looking for something specific, it usually happens that, as if by magic, I find the coveted objects from the last search operation, but not those from this one. I always end up losing interest in the project altogether, or even buying the things I can't find again. So much for the topic of "sustainability" and order.

Yes, that's how it was - until 2016 -

That's when TheBrandBox was born. My baby.

I have to admit that, as the (Lion) mother of TheBrandBox, I can't be objective about our closets (but which mother can that about her children?!), but creating an optimal, high-quality miracle of space is not just my job, it's my plan all changed my personal life.

I literally took my work home with me. (By the way, my older daughter is currently doing an apprenticeship in a wine shop and also brings "her work" home with her from time to time. The combination with my BrandBox and her dark red grape juice from Italy is very harmonious by the way ;) "Sewing and wine is my current thing Yoga".

But back to my box. Peace has reigned ever since this white miracle enriched my conservatory.

Peace in the drawers, joy at the dining table, pancakes on every shelf.

Simple: peace - joy - pancakes throughout the house.

By the way, the days of "buy 3 - pay 2" are also over, because I swore to myself that I would first use up my fabric and wool leftovers, masses of paper, pens, washi tapes, glue, beads, stickers and wrapping paper rolls.

By the way, this oath backfired a bit this year at Christmas, because I ran out of paper for the last gifts to be wrapped. So my girlfriend got her Christmas present with Happy Birthday paper and instead of Tesa, Anna and Elsa had to use stickers.

So I "unfortunately" had to go back to ACTION.

So I haven't stopped buying, but I'm more aware of it now. So I only buy what I need and only things that fit in my box. (A little hint to Santa Claus... a plotter would definitely fit in my box!!!, but that's just a side note)

Well, why does my dream closet have to be so expensive? Does order and clarity cost so much money?

So order and storage is more of a way of life. Do I want order, do I want to find everything the same way and save time, do I want to have everything in one place and a retreat just for me?

Of course you can also achieve your goal with Kallax and Billy, but in my case I wanted something more sophisticated, dust-free, sun-protected, really high-quality, unique, timeless and durable. Something that fulfills all my wishes and needs forever. A piece of furniture from Europe. German quality. Short distances, fast delivery times.

Gone are the days of small carts, which are always fully loaded with cans, klimbim, machines and bags, competing with every Christmas tree and the open shelves, which literally cry out for Marie Kondo when they are full.

In 2016 I dared to fulfill my dream of the perfect closet. First I was a dealer and now even a producer. The BrandBox is not just a cupboard, it's my baby that I'm passionate about and this is reflected in the design down to the smallest screw.

My fairy tale of tidying up has come true, my order is certainly not perfect, but my BrandBox is.

From the heart, Diana

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