Mein Plotter-Parkplatz

My plotter parking lot

I NEVER wanted a plotter. Honest. My sewing machine, overlock, laminator - fabrics, threads, pens are clearly arranged and now in "normal" quantities (and not like at the wholesaler 😂)...

Hilfe, ich brauche ein Büro im Wohnzimmer...

Help, I need an office in the living room...

You don't have space at home for your own study? Then integrate it into another room. The combination of living space and work can present you with some challenges, but...

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen CRAFT und SEW?

What is the difference between CRAFT and SEW?

Craft means roughly translated; Arts, Crafts and Sew means sewing. ‍ We designed our BrandBox CRAFT mainly for all creative people in the field of handicrafts. The BrandBox SEW, on...

Nähen ist mein Yoga

Sewing is my yoga

#NähenistmeinYoga can be found on all internet platforms and it always sounds so relaxing. However, you don’t just need a yoga mat, some sound music and half an hour to...

Wo gibt es noch Qualität?

Where is there quality?

Do you know that? We sat in the garden yesterday, very relaxed. I just wanted to bring something to the kitchen quickly and put the glass in the dishwasher right...

Homeoffice im wahrsten Sinne

Home office in the truest sense

Hello dear friend out there, How are you? Yes exactly you!! Your life changed almost overnight, just like mine. Inside you is a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a wife,...